I don’t know what to write about and have no topic in mind. But I want to write about something. A young lady once told me that when you write, your thoughts are being shaped to take a definitive form instead of loosely hanging in your mind without recognition. So I am hoping that by the end of this, I will do justice to some of my thoughts.
Strangely, what is coming to my mind at this very moment is the power of a human mind and how underrated it is in this world. Lately through books and videos, I have come across many people who are dedicated in spreading the importance of the mind to the world. For instance, Robin Sharma through his book, Monk Who Sold his Ferrari, makes a reader captivated by the positivity and hope he generates through control of mind. He claims that we need to take care of our mind as if it were our own garden. The mind needs food, water and nourishing and unwanted trespassers (meaning negative thoughts) will completely ruin it. Another example is the increasing popularity of Deepak Chopra. At the core of his teaching is meditation and yoga which in turn implies mind control.
If we do end up controlling our mind even to a moderate level, we can handle tough situations differently, save ourselves from unnecessary pain and spend less time on useless thoughts that is our own creation instead of the situation or event that we so often blame. What is perplexing is that these facts are out there but only a few realize it and pay attention to it. Each one of us who have attended kindergarten or the most basic form of education knows the alphabet. Then why not techniques to condition the mind, when it can drastically change our personalities and lives? My question is why isn’t there a course or subject in school that teaches us this? Why isn’t this part of our life just like the alphabet, for it does deserve a lot more attention?
I have questions and concerns regarding this topic. I am trying to absorb these new concepts but sometimes I am directionless. I find myself in an intersection and don’t know which road to take. I need a teacher, someone who I can blindly trust, just like my 1st grade teacher who said the sky is blue and it is, who said that 2+2=4 and it is. So my wait for a teacher continues but what is fascinating is why I pulled one thought out of the hundreds running in my mind and elaborated it to this article?!
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